ホーム » 履歴と論文集
氏名 三田 一郎(A. I. Sanda)
学歴 中学2年で父の転勤のため渡米
1962年 6月 Evanston Township High School 卒業
1965年 6月 イリノイ大学工学部物理学科卒業
1965年 9月 プリンストン大学大学院入学
1969年 6月 同 博士課程 修了
1969年 6月—71年8月 コロンビア大学 研究員
1971年 9月—73年8月 フェルミフェルミ研究所 研究員
1974年 9月—81年8月 ロックフェラー大学 助教
1981年 9月−88年8月 ロックフェラー大学 上級研究員
1988年 9月−91年2月 ロックフェラー大学 准教授
1992年 3月—2006年 名古屋大学理学部教授
1992年 4月―1994年3月 高エネルギー物理学研究所 併任教授
1993年11月―1994年3月 東京大学大学院理学系研究科 併任教授
1997年 4月―1999年3月 東京大学宇宙線研究所神岡 併任教授
1997年 4月―1999年3月 名古屋大学理学部物理学科長
2002年 4月―2004年3月 名古屋大学教養教育院総括部専任、自然科学部門長、 財務・財政委員長、安全委員長
2005年 4月― 2006年3月名古屋大学教養教育院 副院長 総括部専任 自然科学部門長、財務・財政 委員長、安全委員長 2005年10月―2011年 日本学術会議会員
2006年4月−現在に至る 名古屋大学名誉教授
2006年2月― 2012年 南山大学宗教文化研究所、客員研究所員
2006年5月― 現在に至る 名古屋教区終身助祭 カトリック東京カテドラル関口教会
2006年4月― 2014年3月 神奈川大学 工学部教授
2008年 4月―2011年 3月 聖母学園 理事・評議員
2007年—現在に至る Program Officer Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe. 東京大学国際高等研究所カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構 のプログラムオフィサー(外部審査委員会委員長)日本学術振興会 非常勤
第10回(平成5年度)井上学術賞 「B中間子系でのCP不変性の研究」
第43回(平成9年度) 仁科記念賞「B中間子系でのCP対称性の破れの理論」
2004年 J.J. Sakurai賞(米国物理学会賞)
Publication List A. I. Sanda
1. A. I. Sanda, Calculations of KN and K ̄N Scattering Lengths and Phase Shifts by a Pole-Dominance Method. Phys. Reb. 187 (1969) 1975-1983.
2. A. I. Sanda and G. Shaw, Evidence for an Isotensor Electromagnetic Current. Phys. Rev. Lett.24 (1970) 1310-1313.
3. A. I. Sanda and G. Shaw, C-invariance Violation and the Isotensor Current. Phys. Rev. Lett.26 (1971) 1054-1060.
4. A. I. Sanda and M. Suzuki, Spectral-Function Sum Rules for ρ − ω and ρ − φ Transitions. Phys. Rev. D2 (1970) 2676-2681. 5. A. I. Sanda and G. Shaw, Evidence for an Isotensor Electromagnetic Current in Pion Photoproduction. Phys. Rev. D3 (1971) 243-249.
6. A. I. Sanda and M. Suzuki, Lower Bound on W±-Boson Production in High Energy Proton-Proton Collisions. Phys. Rev. D3 (1971) 2019-2027.
7. A. I. Sanda and M. Suzuki, Muon-Pair Production in High Energy Proton-Proton Collision. Phys. Rev. D4 (1971) 141-145.
8. A. I. Sanda and A. Wijangco, Search for New Vector Mesons by Diffractive Photoproduction at the National Accelerator Laboratory. Phys. Rev. D5 (1972) 661-671.
9. A. I. Sanda, φ3 Analyticity and Finite-Energy Sum Rule for Inclusive Reactions. Phys. Rev. D6 (1972) 280-292.
10. S. D. Ellis and A. I. Sanda, Inclusive Reactions, Finite-Energy Sum Rules and Reggeon-Particle Scattering. Phys. Lett. 41B (1972) 87-92.
11. S. D. Ellis and A. I. Sanda, Phenomenology of the Triple Regge Region. Phys. Rev. D6 (1972) 1347-1350.
12. K. Fujikawa, B. W. Lee, A. I. Sanda and S. B. Treiman, Induced Neutral Current Effects in Unified Models of Weak and Electromagnetic Inter- actions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 29 (1972) 682-684, Errata 29 (1972) 823.
13. K. Fujikawa, B. W. Lee and A. I. Sanda, Generalized Renormalizable Gauge Formulation of Spontaneously Broken Gauge Theo- ries. Phys. Rev.D6 (1972) 2923-2943.
14. A. I. Sanda, A Field-Theory Formulation of the Parton Model. Phys. Rev. D8 (1973) 4510-4524.
15. A. I. Sanda, Hadron Constituents and e+e− Colliding-Beam Experiments. Phys. Rev. D9 (1974) 780-785.
16. A. I. Sanda, Massive Quarks and the Quark-Parton Model. Phys. Rev. D9 (1974) 1785-1788.
17. A. I. Sanda and H. Terazawa, Does the Fourth φ Particle Exist at about 4.9 GeV? Phys. Rev. Lett. 34 (1975) 1403-1407.
18. H. Terazawa and A. I. Sanda, How to Test a Colored-Quark Model for φ Particles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 35 (1975) 1110-1113.
19. S. -Y. Pi and A. I. Sanda, Leptonic-Decay Distributions for Heavy-Lepton Pairs Produced by Colliding Beams. Phys. Rev. Lett. 36 (1976) 1-4, Errata 36 (1976) 453.
20. T. Hagiwara and A. I. Sanda, Unified Explanation for the New Resonance States and the μ-e Events. Phys. Rev. D13 (1976) 3067-3070.
21. R. E. Hendrick, V. Rittenberg and A. I. Sanda, Determination of the J/φ (3100)-Nucleon Total Cross Section Using Modulus Dispersion Relations. Phys. Rev. D14 (1976) 1311-1313.
22. S. -Y. Pi and A. I. Sanda, Effects of Transverse Beam Polarization of Anomalous μ-e Events. Phys. Rev. D14 (1976) 1772-1775.
23. T. Hagiwara, S. -Y. Pi and A. I. Sanda, What Can We Learn from e+e− → U+U− → μ± + Hadrons + Neutrions? Annals of Phys. 106 (1977) 134-170.
24. S. -Y. Pi and A. I. Sanda, e+ + e− → U + + U − → μ∓ + e± + Neutrionos: General Considerations. Annals of Phys. 106 (1977) 171-204.
25. W. J. Marciano and A. I. Sanda, Exotic Decays of the Muon and Heavy Leptons in Gauge Theories. Phys. Lett. 67B (1977) 303-305.
26. W. J. Marciano and A. I. Sanda, Reaction μ− + Nucleus → e− + Nucleus in Gauge Theories. Phys. Rev. Lett. 38 (1977) 1512-1515.
27. A. I. Sanda and S. -Y. Pi, On the Dynamics of the τ Decay. Phys. Rev. Lett. 40 (1978) 286-289.
28. W. J. Marciano and A. I. Sanda, Parity Violation in Atoms Induced by Radiative Corrections. Phys. Rev. D17 (1978) 3055-3064.
29. N. Kawamoto and A. I. Sanda, Hadronic Decay of τ. Phys. Lett. 76B (1978) 446-450.
30. W. J. Marciano and A. I. Sanda, Gauge Theory Predictions for the Electron-Nucleus Parity Violating Neutral Current Interaction. Phys. Lett. 77B (1978) 383-388.
31. W. J. Marciano and A. I. Sanda, Gauge-Theory Predictions for Deep-Inelastic Polarized- Electron-Nucleon Scattering Asymmetries. Phys. Rev. D18 (1978) 4341-4344.
32. A. I. Sanda, Nonperturbative Determination of α(q2) and Its Experimental Implications. Phys. Rev. Lett. 42 (1979) 1658-1661.
33. A. I. Sanda, Do ρ, ω, and φ Mesons Know about QCD Perturbation Theory? Phys. Lett. 85B (1979) 273-276.
34. A. I. Sanda, Nonleptonic Decays of Charm Mesons. Phys. Rev. D22 (1980) 2814-2827.
35. A. B. Carter and A. I. Sanda, CP Nonconservation in Cascade Decays of Mesons. Phys. Rev. lett. 45 (1980) 952-954.
36. A. B. Carter and A. I. Sanda, CP Violation in B-Meson Decays. Phys. Rev. D23 (1981) 1567-1579.
37. A. I. Sanda, A Problem for Theories with Spontaneous CP Violation and Natural Flavor Conservation. Phys. Rev. D23 (1981) 2647-2653.
38. I. I. Bigi and A. I. Sanda, Notes on the Observability of CP Violations in B Decays. Nucl. Phys. B193 (1981) 85-108.
39. G. C. Branco and A. I. Sanda, Superweak Model of CP Nonconservation within Gauge Theories. Phys. Rev. D26 (1982) 3176-3182.
40. A. I. Sanda, K-Meson Multiplicities in B-Meson Decays. Phys. Rev. D27 (1983) 152-156.
41. B. Grossman, G. Lazarides and A. I. Sanda, The Electroweak Core of the Magnetic Monopole. Phys. Rev. D28 (1983) 2109-2111.
42. I. I. Bigi and A. I. Sanda, B0 − B ̄0 Mixing and Violations of CP Symmetry. Phys. Rev. D29 (1984) 1393-1398.
43. G. Branco and A. I. Sanda, On a Relationship Between CP-Nonconservation in K Meson Decay and the Baryon Asym- metry of the Universe. Phys. Lett. 135B (1984) 383-387.
44. I. I. Bigi and A. I. Sanda, An Estimate of the Long Distance Effects in the KL − KS Mass Difference. Phys. Lett. 148B (1984) 205-210.
45. I. I. Bigi and A. I. Sanda, CP Violation in Nature: A Status Report. Comm. Nucl. Part. Phys. 14 (1985) 149-184. 指定されたファイルは存在しません。
46. A. I. Sanda, CP Nonconservation in BS0 Decays: A Searching Ground for New Physics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 (1985) 2653-2655.
47. A. I. Sanda, New Observable Phases in a Supersymmetric Extension of the Standard Model. Phys. Rev. D32 (1985) 2992-3000.
48. J.-M. Frere, J. Hagelin and A. I. Sanda, Can ε be Predicted? Phys. Lett. 151B (1985) 161-164.
49. S. Ono, N. To ̈rnqvist, J, Lee-Franzini and A. I. Sanda, Where are the BB ̄ Mixing Effects Observable in the Υ Region? Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 (1985) 2938-2940. 50. S. Ono, A. I. Sanda and N. T ̈ornqvist, B-Meson Production Between the Υ(4S) and Υ (6S) and the Possibility of Detecting B − B ̄ Mixing. Phys. Rev. D34 (1986) 186-195.
51. I. I. Bigi and A. I. Sanda, On D0 − D ̄ 0 Mixing and CP Violation. Phys. Lett. 171B (1986) 320-324.
52. A. Masiero, D. V. Nanopoulos and A. I. Sanda, Observable Physics from Superstring Exotic Particles: Small Dirac Neutrino Masses. Phys. Rev. Lett. 57 (1986) 663-666.
53. I. I. Bigi and A. I. Sanda, CP Violation in Heavy Flavor Decays: Prediction and Search Strategies. Nucl. Phys. B281 (1987) 41-71.
54. A. Masiero, D. V. Nanopoulos and A. I. Sanda, Reply to E. Ma’s Comment on Observable Physics from Superstring Exotic Particles: Small Dirac Neutrino Masses. Phys. Rev. Lett. 58 (1987) 1048.
55. I. I. Bigi and A. I. Sanda, A Lower Bound on the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment in Models with Spontaneous CP Nonconservation in Scalar Exchanges. Phys. Rev. Lett. 58 (1987) 1604-1607.
56. I. I. Bigi and A. I. Sanda, From a New Smell to a New Flavour -Bd − B ̄d Mixing, CP Viloation and New Physics. Phys. Lett. 194B (1987) 307-311.
57. M. McGuigan and A. I. Sanda, K → ππγ in the Six-Quark Model. Phys. Rev. D36 (1987) 1413-1421.
58. H. J. Lipkin and A. I. Sanda, Isospin Invariance, CP Violation and B − B ̄ Mixing. Phys. Lett. 201B (1988) 541-545.
59. I. I. Bigi and A. I. Sanda, On Direct CP Violation in B →D Kπ’s versus B ̄ →D K ̄π’s Decays. (−)0 (−)0 Phys. Lett. 211B (1988) 213-220.
60. S. Ono, A. I. Sanda and N. A. To ̈rnqvist, B0 −B ̄0 Mixing Signal from B0 and BS0 Meson Production Between the Υ(4S) and Υ(6S). Phys. Rev. D38 (1988) 1619. 61. C. S. Lim, T. Morozumi and A. I. Sanda, A Prediction for dΓ(B → Sl)/dq2 Including the Long-Distance Effects. Phys. Lett. 218B (1989) 343-347.
62. C. Hamzaoui, A. I. Sanda and A. Soni, Remarks on the Mass Scales, Mixing Angels and signatures of the Fourth-Gentration Quarks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 (1989) 128-131.
63. W. B. Atwood, I. Dunietz, A. I. Sanda, P. Grosse-Wiesmann, and S. Matsuda, CP Violation with Polarized Z0. Phys. Lett. 232B (1989) 533-535.
64. B. Kayser, M. Kuroda, R. D. Peccei and A. I. Sanda, B Hadronic Asymmetries and Spin Correlations. Phys. Lett. 237B (1990) 508-512.
65. T. Morozumi, C. S. Lim and A. I. Sanda, Chiral Weak Dynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990)404-407.
66. T. Morozumi, M. N. Rebelo and A. I. Sanda, From QCD to Chiral Dynamics a Smooth Transition. Prog. Theor. Phys. 87, Vol.1 (1992) 185-192. 67. M. Kobayashi, A. I. Sanda, On Testing the CPT Symmetry. Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, (1992) 3139-3142. 68. D. Atkinson, M. Harada, A. I. Sanda, Is There a P Wave Bound State W(L) W(L)? On the Dynamical Generation of a Rho Meson in the Sigma Model. Phys. Rev. D 46, (1992) 3884-3893.
69. T. Morozumi, A. I. Sanda, A,soni. Possible Applications of the Linear Sigma Model to Lattice computations With Large M(PI). Phys. Rev. D 46, (1992) 2240-2246.
70. M. Hayakawa, A. I. Sanda, Searching for T, CP, CPT, and ∆ S = ∆ Q Rule Violations in the Neutral K Meson System: A Guide. Phys. Rev. D 48, (1993) 1150-1166.
71. M. Hayakawa, T. Kurimoto, A. I. Sanda, Chiral Lagrangian with Higher Resonances and Flavour SU(3) Breaking. Prog. Theor. Phys. 92, (1994) 377-396. 72. K. Kimura, A. I. Sanda, Triviality Bound of Linear σ-Model with Finite Pion Mass. Mod. Phys. Lett. A 9, (1994) 2587-2597.
73. M. Hayakawa, T. Kinoshita, A. I. Sanda, Hadronic Light-by-Light Scatterung Effect on Muon g-2. Phys.Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 790-793.
74. A. I. Sanda, A. Yamada New method of determining |Vub|/|Vts| by the Processes B ̄ → ρlν ̄ and B ̄ → K∗l ̄l Phys.Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 2807-2810
75. M. Hayakawa, T. Kinoshita, A. I. Sanda, Hadronic Light-by-Light Scattering Contribution to Muon g-2. Phys.Rev. D54 (1996) 3137-3153.
76. Qing Wang, A.I. Sanda, Neutral Kaon System reinvestigated. Phys.Rev. D55 (1997) 3131-3136.
77. A.I. Sanda, Zhi-zhong Xing, Towards determining φ1 with B → D∗D ̄∗. Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 341-347.
78. K. Harayama, N. Okamura, A.I. Sanda, Zhi-Zhong Xing, Getting at The Quark Mass Matrices. Prog. Theor. Phys. 97, (1997) 781-789.
79. A.I. Sanda and Zhi-Zhong Xing, Search for New Physics in CP violating B decays. Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 6866-6874.
80. C.S. Kim, T. Morozumi, A.I. Sanda, B → Xql+l−(q = d,s) and Determination of |Vtd |. Phys.Rev.D56, (1997) 7240-7246.
81. I. I. Bigi and A. I. Sanda, Comments on the sign of CP Asymmetrires. Phys.Rev. D60 (1999) 033001.
82. Youn-Yeon Keum, Ulrich Nierste, A.I. Sanda, A short look at ε′/ε. Phys. Lett. B 457, (1999) 157-162.
83. I.I. Bigi, A.I. Sanda, On limitations of T invariance in K decays. Phys. Lett.B466, (1999) 33-40.
84. Helen R. Quinn, A.I. Sanda, CP Violation in B Decay and Standard Model Predictions. Eur.Phys.J.C15,(2000) 626-632
85. Youn-Yeon Keum, Hsiang-nan Li, A.I. Sanda, Fat penguins and imaginary penguins in perturbative QCD. Phys. Lett.B504, (2001) 6-14.
86. Youn-Yeon Keum, Hsiang-nan Li, A.I. Sanda, Penguin Enhancement and B → Kπ decays in perturative QCD. Phys.Rev.D63, (2001) 054008.
87. A.I. Sanda, Kazumasa Ukai HOW WELL CAN WE PREDICT CP ASYMMETRY IN B → ππ, Kπ DECAYS? Prog.Theor.Phys.107,(2002) 421-432.
88. E. Kou, A.I. Sanda, B → Kη′η Decay in Perturbatixe QCD. Phys. Lett.B525, (2002) 240-248.
89. T. Kurimoto, Hsiang-nan Li, A.I. Sanda, Leading Power Conteibutions to B → π, ρ,Transition Form-Factors. Phys.Rev.D65, (2002) 014007.
90. T. Kurimoto, Hsiang-nan Li, A.I. Sanda, Leading Power Conteibutions to B → D,Transition Form-Factors. Phys.Rev.D65:014007,2002.
91. K. Hagiwara et. al.. REVIEW OF PARTICLE PHYSICS. PARTICLE DATA GROUP. Phys.Rev.D66:010001,(2002).
92. T. Kurimoto (Toyama U.), Hsiang-nan Li , A.I. Sanda B → D(∗) FORM-FACTORS IN PERTURBATIVE QCD. Phys.Rev.D67,(2003) 054028.
94. Satoshi Mishima, A.I. Sanda CALCULATION OF MAGNETIC PENGUIN AMPLITUDES IN B → φK DECAYS USING PQCD APPROACH. Prog.Theor.Phys.110,(2003) 549-561
95. Satoshi Mishima, A.I. Sanda AN ANALYSIS OF SUPERSYMMETRIC EFFECTS ON B → φK DECAYS IN PQCD APPROACH. Phys.Rev.D69,(2004) 054005.
96. Yong-Yeon Keum, T. Kurimoto, Hsiang Nan Li, Cai-Dan Lu, A.I. Sanda NONFACTORIZABLE CONTRIBUTIONS TO B → D**(*) M DECAYS. Phys.Rev.D69,(2004) 094018.
97. S. Eidelman et. al. REVIEW OF PARTICLE PHYSICS. PARTICLE DATA GROUP. Phys.Lett.B592:1,(2004).
98. Hsiang-nan Li,Satoshi Mishima, A.I. Sanda. Resolution to the B ―¿ pi K puzzle. Phys.Rev.D72114005,(2005).
100. I.I. Bigi, A.I. Sanda A ’KNOWN’ CP ASYMMETRY IN τ DECAYS. Phys.Lett.B625:47-52,(2005)
101. Cai-Dian Lu, M. Matsumori, A.I. Sanda, Mao-Zhi Yang. CP asymmetry, branching ratios and isospin breaking effects in B → ργ and B → ωγ decays with the pQCD approach. Phys.Rev.D72094005,(2005)
102. S.-G. Kim, N. Maekawa, A. Matsuzaki, K. Sakurai, A.I. Sanda, T. Yoshikawa A Solution for little hierarchy problem and b → sγ. Phys.Rev.D74,115016,(2006). 103. M. Matsumori, A.I. Sanda The Mixing-induced CP asymmetry in B → K∗γ decays with perturbative QCD ap- proach. Phys.Rev.D73,114022,(2006).
104. Review of particle physics. Particle Data Group. By Particle Data Group (S. Eidel- man et al.). 2004. Published in Phys.Lett.B592:1,2004.